
Course format: #Spotlight

#Spotlight: Introducing Haitian International Germany

Haitian International Germany is a wholly owned subsidiary of the world's largest manufacturer of plastic injection molding machines by volume. Based in the heart of the largest technology hub in Europe, they support all plastics processing industries with highly efficient Haitian and Zhafir branded machines, complemented by comprehensive high-level support and services. In this #Spotlight you will get an exciting insight into the company's philosophy.

Objectives: This #Spotlight will give you an insight into the entire company: its structures, its history, its visions and its product portfolio. What can Haitian International Germany GmbH help you with, what is on offer? Niels Herz, Sales Manager Germany, reveals it to you.

Target group: The #Spotlight is particularly suitable for companies looking for an injection molding machine manufacturer and also anyone interested in taking a detailed look behind the facade of a global corporation.

Official Cooperation with Haitian International Germany