Course format: #Spotlight
#Spotlight: Lubricant management on injection molding machines
The company Setral Chemie GmbH has dealt with the topic of lubricant management in our #Spotlight. The ideal use of existing resources is certainly the aspiration of many. The reasons for this, in addition to economic cost efficiency, are nowadays above all sustainability. In order to achieve both, the lubricant plays a decisive role in the production of plastic injection molded parts in industry.
Objectives: Find out how the optimum use of coordinated maintenance and servicing products, of which the lubricant is one, can achieve not only a sustainable use of these, but also an increase in productivity in the economic sense.
Target group: The #Spotlight is aimed at employees in production and application technology of plastic injection molding companies as well as anyone interested in the topic of injection molding and the efficient use of lubricants. Official Cooperation with Setral Chemie GmbH