Course format: #Spotlight
#Spotlight: Project funding programs go-inno and go-digital
This #Spotlight takes a closer look at the project funding programs go-inno and go-digital. The Kunststoff-Institut shows how you can get support for new innovation projects through a consultant. The digitization of companies is also supported! The company lllusionFACTORY KG is an accredited consultant in the funding program go-digital and will illustrate to you, among other things, what funding advice can look like and what is important for successful digitization projects.
Objectives: You will get an overview of the two project funding programs go-inno and go-digital: What is funded? What is the procedure? What is the funding amount?
Target group: The #Spotlight is aimed at all employees of SMEs in the plastics industry who would like to find out about funding for their innovations or digitization projects. Official Cooperation with IllusionFactory KG